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Berry Red Silk Tie

Berry Red Silk Tie

This Parsley neck tie is made from one hundred percent silk. This beautiful diagonal striped design makes for the perfect accent to any ensemble. The rich berry-red color is a great accompaniment to these stripes because the color is so elegant and classic, the stripes make the tie a bit more relaxed.

This is a tie that can be worn for semiformal and formal occasions, but should be reserved for nighttime events only. For a nice semiformal outfit, we suggest pairing this tie with a beige sports coat and a black or a white dress shirt. For a formal event, we love this tie with black. This is a wonderful tie with an all black ensemble because it will give the tie a chance to stand out and be the main focus of the outfit.

Tie Length: 58 Inches, Width: 3.5"

32 Items

Product Specs

Classic Neckties
Cherry Red
Dark Red & Burgundy
Solid Colors
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Kids Tie

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